The WUR Student Challenge: ReThink Protein is an international competition for individual students, student teams and student start-ups. As a participant you are challenged to come up with a business idea or prototype that helps provide 9 billion people with enough protein in a way that is healthy, affordable and good for the planet.
For whom
The Challenge is open to students from universities and universities of applied sciences worldwide, in all phases of their studies (BSc, MSc, PhD).
The Scope
You need to submit a business idea or prototype that offers an innovative approach to meeting human protein needs, related to one or more of following themes: new protein sources; new protein foods; processing efficiency (incl. conversion), services or (social) interventions that accelerate the protein revolution. Entries will be assessed on the integration of the following aspects: sustainability, social impact, technical feasibility and of course, economic viability.

In the period from January to June, you submit and further develop your revolutionary idea. After the first selection round end of March, teams and individual participants intensively interact with coaches from the private and public sector as well as academia, to further develop their innovation and business plan. The Grand Finale will take place on June 27th, on the Wageningen Campus.
The deadline for registration is March 22 2019.
The partners
Partners come from academia, the Food & Agri industry, environmental as well as social impact companies and organisations that support acceleration of the protein revolution. The contest is organized by WUR Student Challenges and Soapbox, in collaboration with Startlife.
All partnersPrizes: what are you competing for?
Besides online and offline coaching of our business panel, developing your personal skills and many opportunities for networking, there are of course also great prizes to win!
In each of the 2 categories: ideation and prototyping the top 3 will receive prize money:
1st prize: €5.000,-
2nd prize: €2.000,-
3rd prize: €1.000,-
Audience Prize: €500,-
In addition the winners receive support to further develop their ideas.
The best Wageningen teams will be invited to battle with the best students from the other Technical Universities in the Netherlands in the ‘Dutch 4TU Impact Finals’.