
The WUR Student Challenge: ReThink Protein continues and the top 40 has been announced!

The first meeting with all projects and partner companies, 4 weeks ago, was a success. Arnold Bregt (Dean of Education; WUR) introduced the WUR Student Challenge: ReThink Protein in front of a crowded room with students and interested partner companies.

After the introduction, Jeroen Willemsen, from the protein cluster, told about his journey within the research world of food. This was followed by a more practical presentation by Jan Rademaker about the business model canvas. After this the students were divided into groups and the companies could introduce themselves. The enthusiasm among those present was high and the co-creation made its first steps.

Did you miss it? Then watch the live stream back on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyBN8wz6xMg&feature=youtu.be


Top 40

In total, more than 250 students created an account on our platform. 80 projects have registered for the WUR Student Challenge: ReThink Protein and 58 projects made the first round and appeared on the website with their profile. 40 of these projects have made it to the next round and will now prepare themselves for the speed dates and training days to increase their chance of a place in the final.

In recent weeks, our partners have provided the participants with feedback by coaching them online. A total of 231 chats were started. The chat function is still open and can be used within the dashboard throughout the entire challenge! This high involvement of both parties led to a good result and solid basis for the speed dates on 30 April.

We want to congratulate you all and wish you all the best!

Students who do not see their project among the top 40, do not worry, because you can still participate in all workshops and chat with the companies in order for your project to still grow. We hope to see you all again during the final event of the WUR Student Challenge: ReThink Protein on the 27th of June!

All Gaens



UP Foods (Universal Protein Foods)  -  Transforming beans into benefits

Protein Enriched Potato

Another one bites the dust

Grow your own protein: Utilizing local agro-waste as filamentous fungi’s substrate

Pork Skin Jelly Products With Soybean Dregs

Lego Protein



Dehydrated Cushuro- Peruvian algae as a protein supplement in common products.


SwiftRseeds - Rice

Food from deserts: Fonio (with Jurrien Roossien)

SWAP (Silkworm as Protein)

millet protein

Optimizing microbial protein as an alternate protein source in pig feed.

Planted Poultry

Increasing protein content in rice grain using genome engineering

MEAL - the mealworm shake


To increase the utilization of underutilised african yam bean seeds

Smiling Cheese




coming soon... spoon

SuRe Food


Eat Meat? Reserve a Seat


Man meat (mannenvlees)





ALG-AD : Protein rich fusion in biogas sector



Morama: a lost crop from Africa

InsectImpact (Insect Brownie Baking Kit)

Strong Green - The Plant Based Protein Factory

Infinitein(TM): Infinite Sugar-to-Protein at Global Scale to Feed The 9 Billion.


N-Soy (Tackling The Protein Challenge Worldwide: N-Soy Your Food Now!)
