Lego Protein

The challenge

It is a fact that the world’s population is growing and will continue to do so in the upcoming decades. More people do not only mean more mouths to feed, but more bodies which require sufficient nutritious input. It is also a fact that a world which is 2 degrees warmer would have disastrous consequences for our food supply chain. Two interconnected problems, both having significant consequences for humankind, cannot be solved by business as usual approaches. Animals protein is high quality, but limited in supply due to the ever growing population, high demand, and climate change which hinder its production. Therefore ineffective in supplying the necessary amount of protein needed for our body, thus an issue of quantity. Plants proteins, of lower quality compared to animal because of incomplete amino acids composition, need huge amount of arable land and water to supply enough protein for the ever-overcrowding world, thus making it an issue of quality and sustainability. A sustainable solution is needed which can supply the body with high quality protein in high quantities while also combating climate change at the same time.

The solution

Fermentation is an existing process already applied in the production of food, polymers, and pharmaceuticals. It is a technique which employs microorganisms in the production of chemical and/or biological compounds: (1) in abundant quantities, (2) within a short time, and (3) gives the opportunity of turning waste into product. LEGO PROTEIN is produced via the fermentation of waste streams (both solid waste and “waste gas” such as syngas) a technology that allows flexibility and efficiency for producing nutritious protein sources. These sources would not only be sustainable and also integrated with the circular bio-economy, it would also be mass produced both for direct human consumption or indirect consumption through animal feed.


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This project is being coached by

Lego Protein


Team info

Matteo Tollemeto
Maulana Permana Ajie
Victor Kipkemboi